Today is Canada Day, and I have four days off work, in which to unwind and "unlax" as my mother used to say. I have hauled out my art supplies and plan to do some sketching. One of my most treasured items is a book called
"1000 Years of Drawing" with wonderful sketches in it by everyone from Albrect Altdorfer to Willem van der Velde, the Younger. And yes, there are some sketches by the artist who did the two drawings on this post as well. Can you guess who it is? Some of you undoubtedly will recognize the simplicity and beauty of the lines. I never take part in give-aways, but just to make it interesting, I have a small gift of one of my pencil sketches to anyone who can guess the artist of these two sketches. Now, don't all rush...

I have always enjoyed sketching more than any other type of art form, it is my first love, and to me it is the purest way of creating art. Sketches are never considered masterpieces, and in any case I would never be a good enough artist to create a masterpiece. But I always enjoy the results of my pencil sketches, and my favorite piece that I have done recently is the salt and pepper shaker on my sidebar. And strangley enough, I get a lot of requests from folks for a copy of that little picture. Go figure... As for my give-away ... I haven't drawn it yet. It will be a Jo original, but it won't be nearly as good as these two sketches. Aren't they wonderful? Can you guess who did them?
Haven't a clue who did the lovely sketches. I collect original B&W art when I travel and have some lovely sketches in my collection. Too often the artist who have done them think "they're nothing".
oh, until i got to the end, i was going
to say, "you!"
but, maybe you're trying to throw us
off the trail.
they are lovely, no matter who sketched
Jo did them!!! And lovely!
I'm going to guess Mary Cassatt because of that boy's eyes.
I can't begin to guess who drew them, but I love them. Enjoy your creative long weekend!
I guess Picasso. It looks like some of his early work to me.
I've always loved the Picasso of the little boy. He looks like photos I've seen of Flip as a child, besides.
Enjoy your days of free time and artwork.
I thought they were yours!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I'm so sorry I didn't get here first with the answer because I'm a huge admirer of your artwork, and have always especially loved drawings.
I think your sketch of Phinnaeus in the sidebar could easily pass for a Master drawing - it reminds me of Kollewicz, but happier.
I have no idea Jo, but I think Katy might be right. I also wanted to thank you for your positive comment on my "seX" post. Loved your quote!
I meant "Kollwitz."
My guess is Mary Cassatt too. I used to love to draw, but I seldom do it anymore.
Good for you ~ time off! I have no idea as to the artist of these two sketches, however.
I don't know but their lovely.
Can I cheat and look in my art books.
I'm guessing Picasso.
I love the salt and pepper shakers, too. :-)
Love from Kaz
For all those folks who guess the drawings were done by Picasso, you're right -- they are Picasso originals. Aren't they wonderful? So to those folks who guessed right, if you feel comfortable, please send me your address, and I will send you an original "Jo".
They are lovely! I would never have guessed Picasso, though.
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