Having said that, there is one thing I would like to know. "What is your name?" I would prefer to address people by their names, rather than -- say -- "Lollipops and Roses", or "Fear of Clowns", or "Terrific in Timbuktu", or whatever your blog title might be.
If you scroll down my blog -- way down there on my sidebar -- you will see I have added as many names as I know to all of your blog titles. Maybe you don't want folks to know your real name, and I understand that. But if you don't have a problem with it, I would love to know your name -- first names only. I have found over the course of blogging that I have gotten to know some of you very well. Your "voices" are all definitely very different. Blogging can be very personal and at the same time it can be almost detached. It's a strange dichotomy. We become close friends with people whom we may not recognize if we were to pass them on the street. We see people come and go, we watch new bloggers blossom, while others die on the vine -- sometimes literally -- and we always feel a sense of connection. We find ourselves caring about the things that happen in their lives, with their jobs, their families, their hobbies, their health -- all the while not knowing most of their names. So, if you feel comfortable telling me your name, I would love to able to address you by your name when I respond to your comments. It doesn't have to be your real name.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
... William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Yup, it's my real name.
Bruce, thank you. :-)
Hi Jo--I've been painting all day(think walls, not canvas), so I might not smell quite as sweet as my name, but here 'tis: Jennifer
I also thought you might appreciate this post of mine from a while back: http://jblackdesigns.blogspot.com/2007/10/conversations.html
Yep, Linda is my real name! My twin's name is Lana--rhymes with Donna!
Oh Jo if you only knew how I am so proud to be mrs nesbitt- my maiden name was that of my natural father who was a nasty piece of work and hurt both mum & I - physically & mentally - oh I could go on but I am all ready in tears
cut & paste this Jo..
I know you have my name - Diane. But I also like all the monikers people choose for themselves; it's always interesting as to how they come up with them.
Well put! You can call me by my real name,Rosaria.
Well, you already know me. I was going to be TOTALLY anonymous in blogland, which is why I chose to be The Bug (& now that bug is my alter ego, so I'm keeping her). Two things "outed" me: 1. I started emailing my blog to my dad, sister-in-law & 4 aunts; and 2. I don't like not being known! It "bugs" me. Heh.
Well, Jo, you already know my name. It's a terrible name. I checked many references and they all give the same terrible meaning for the name. It means "bald". Now bald may be majestic for eagles but it is darn embarrassing for squirrels.
Prakhar Shrestha.. :)
I also like to know the people I follow, who they really are, but I don't mind responding to people by their moniker. The main thing is I wish everyone would allow me to just hit "reply" and get to them, rather than having to jump through hoops to respond directly to them. But I certainly understand why some people don't want their name or email easily accessed.
I love being known by you, Jo, because you're such a bright spot in the blogosphere!
My name is Pam. I really live very close to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Somehow, my name, Lindy, shows up not my blog threadingmywaythrough. Now you have both of them together!
A Diary Left Open - Patty K Mooney - that's me! I go by other names as well, including but not limited to: Candace Love, Cleopatra69, Patricia Kathryn, Pate', Lady Pattersley and others that may redden your ears. But I love when you call me by any of my names!
I think each comment i do shows my name. :)
I'm very happy with my name. I changed it when i was 20 because i despised the name i'd grown up with. I also despised the day i was born. I began celebrating the anniversary of the day i changed my name as "my BD." (I have to keep the "real" one legally, but i often forget that day unless someone reminds me.)
I love the fact that you respond to people here. I check back often. As a result of your doing it here, i've begun doing it (most of the time) on my blog. I don't know if anyone checks back at my blog, either. But i know your doing it here makes me feel warmed & welcomed. :)
You know my name :)
A comment on my blog always sends me over the moon!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I had to go look what showed when I left a comment. It's my name...Alicia, but my blog name doesn't show. It's Titere con Bonete.
I blogged anonymously for a year or two but slowly began to disclose my name, Susan. (I know you already know it, Jo.) And I always respond to comments on my blog, although I have no idea if anyone returns to read them unless they continue the conversation. (I really love it when someone does that!)
Well you know how it goes when your name is Joanne, JoAnn, Jonie, Jo, JoJo, Joanna, Josie, Jeannie...jjj...jojo works for me, or joanne...!
When I started blogging I thought I'll keep my real name out of it and stick strictly to being Firefly. But because I link my blogs to my Facebook profile and is very proud to tell people about it, I'm not anonymous anymore. Hello, my name is Jonker and I'm a photoblogger.
You already know my name, Jo :-) But for anyone reading here that doesn't, it's Alane.
Jo, my real name is Saroj, so no Lollipops here:-D.
Nice post, Jo. And just so you know, I am one of those who go back to check if my comment gets a response. One more thing, your blog is anything but boring:)Have a nice day!!
I am one of those who checks back, most of the time ;-)
Jennifer, I tried the link you sent me, but part of it was cut off, so I wasn't able to link to it. Can you send it again? Many thanks. :-)
Linda, thank you. And by the way, I think you have the greatest avatar. I always chuckle when I see it.
Denise, oh, I am so sorry...! I always hate to hear about things like that. Parents are not supposed to do those things to their children...!
Diane, I know...! Some of the names of folks' websites and their monikers are so inventive, aren't they?
Rosaria, that's a lovely name. I found it out by accident when someone on your blog called you Rosaria. :-)
Dana, I love the name Dana...! Dana you shall be, but I may slip up and call you Bug sometimes too. *heh*
Calvin, you're right...! I looked it up and it means "Little bald one..." How can a little furry squirrel be bald...? But it's a nice name anyway...!
Prakhar, that's a beautiful name...! It's like music. Thank you.
DJan, thank you...! You're such an interesting person -- and a sky diver...! Holy doodle...! You're my hero. :-) And yes, I think there is a way you can set blogger up so you can reply by e-mail, but I'm not sure how to do it.
Pam, thank you...! That is one place I have always wanted to see, is the Blue Ridge Mountains. I think it must be one of the most beautiful parts of the U.S.
Lindy, I had a friend in high school named Lindy, and I always thought it was a pretty name. I still do. :-)
Patty -- Lady Pattersly -- I love that...! You know, I have a friend named Patty Mooney, a sister of another friend of mine, and at first I wondered if you might be her. It's a great Irish name.
Kathryn, I am very partial to the name Kathryn. I like the way you spell it too. And I'm glad you are happy with your reinvented self. I think a lot of people can benefit from that. (I went for dinner with a friend last night, and didn't get a chance to respond until this morning...)
Cloudia, you have a beautiful, but very unusual name. Is there a story behind it? It's not a typical "North American" spelling of the name. It's very pretty.
Alicia, you have a gorgeous name too. It's like a heroine in a romantic novel. :-) I find the name of your blog interesting too. Does it have a special meaning?
Susan, yes, I always used to respond, and then I stopped, but I much prefer responding too, and having an interaction with other people, so I am going to continue.
Joanne, my friend Sherry always called me "JoJo" and my other friends always call me "Josie" or "Jo". So I found myself remembering your name. :-)
Jonker...! I have always wondered what your name is. It's a great South African name. My mother had a cousin named Jonker. I always loved the Dutch names in her family. Well, I inherited one... *heh*
Alane, your name suits you so much...! I remember asking you your name, because you always leave such lovely comments, and it felt so impersonal addressing you by your blog name. :-)
Saroj, that's a lovely name. It suits you too. I tried for the longest time to figure out what your name was, and then one day I saw it on your blog. (I always check back too...)
Jennifer, yes, I always check back too. Sometimes people have comment moderation, and then I forget to check back until later. But most of the time I do like to check back.
Not on topic at all really, but just last night my daughter was asking me why I gave her such a common name. I thought that was funny...
Anyway, you already know my name. I figure Katy is so common using my real first name was just as anonymous as anything I could make up.
Katy, you named your daughter a common name? That's funny, most people would like that. It was hard for me to grow up with the name Johanna. It rhymes with banana. *heh*
Yep, common old me. My legal first name is weird and Katy is actually a nickname that comes from my middle name, but its what I have been called my entire life. Talk about maddening confusion! I wanted to give my daughter a name that was easy to pronounce and spell. Something that didn't require a long explaination of family history.
I always check back (or subscribe to follow up comments) to see if there is a response to my comment and also to see what other people have said. I also like the back and forth conversational exchange that sometimes happens with certain blogs. I really like it when commenters respond to each other, too!
I will admit though, that with some blogs, I mostly read in reader, especially if the author doesn't respond to the comments. So I am pleased you are getting back to the commenting.
And now I will stop saying variations of comment
Donna at Mystical Journeys and Discovering the Purpose of Our Lives. Please email me at donnab6464@gmail.com if you would not mind explaining how you did that. I keep a list of everyone's real names on a sheet of paper next to their blog title...but what you have done is so much easier. I totally agree with you what you said on your post...(only I DO NOT agree you have a "boring little blog". You have taken flight with your blog and I think it is awesome! I still believe you should be doing a daily column in a newspaper!! Hugs to you my friend...
It's another Kathryn! I was given this name at birth - my mom named me after a nun who taught her to play piano....and we're not even catholic!
either Jan or Jo, or Janet Joanne - I answer to it all
Hi. Very nice blog I found here. I really admire this picture of Shakespeare and I would like to ask you if I could use it my blogspot? It is about a method of giving young people personal book tips and a fortune letter. The picture above would so elegantly fit with a discussion about wich alias one chooses to be anonymous. Which is the case in my method called I am the Book...
Best regards, Eva Selin, Mölndal, Sweden
Please answer to eva@lasfirman.se
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