Mary Ellen at
Bad Habit has tagged me for a meme. I don't usually do memes, but I rather like this one, even though I don't like talking about myself. There's not much to say... In any case, the object of the meme is to discuss six random things about ... me ... So, here in no particular order, are six
really boring random things about myself.
1. I love yellow. Henry Ford once said about his Model T Ford,
"The customer can have any color he wants so long as it's black". Well, I feel that way about yellow. I will wear any color, as long as it's yellow. To me, yellow is the color of sunshine. I feel happy when I wear yellow. Kind of sappy, I know, but ... Vancouver can tend to be grey, grey, grey, so my raincoat is yellow, my rain slickers are yellow, my umbrella is yellow with blue flowers on it ... I think you get the idea.
2. I don’t like ostentatious things. I would love to live in a simple cottage with hollyhocks around the door. In fact, I would love to live in a log cabin with a rustic stone fireplace, real hardwood floors with area rugs, lots of windows, perhaps on a lake, with a rowboat and a canoe parked next to the dock. I would spend my summers swimming in the lake, or puttering around in my canoe, and for the rest of the year I would go for meandering walks through the woods.
3. I have OCD and everything in my cupboards is all lined up, with the labels facing out. In my refrigerator, the milk, eggs, cheese, fruit, vegetables, mayonnaise, salad dressings, etc., all have their own place, and it never varies. In my linen cupboard all my sheets and towels are color coordinated. People laugh at me when they see it, but I am more comfortable that way.
4. I have the same thing for breakfast every day, and whenever I vary from it, I don't enjoy breakfast, and I go back to the same thing the next day. I always have one scrambled egg, done with a bit of olive oil, onion, and a tiny bit of cheese. And strong Melitta coffee.
5. I feel bad when I type a post that offends or upsets anyone. I want everyone to be happy. I can tend sometimes to be outspoken, unfortunately. So to all the people, past, present and future who may be upset or annoyed with any of my posts, I do apologize, but I am probably never going to change. I’m worse in real life, trust me... I love you all, and it’s not meant personally.

6. I have a very good friend named Bailey. Bailey and I have telephone conversations sometimes, and we have had rather long, intelligent conversations. He has a bit of a British accent, and speaks very properly, with clipped tones. I think he must have a bit of Scottish in him, because he has red hair and freckles. Bailey likes me and he enjoys our conversations. He's quite delightful. Bailey is a dog and lives in Iowa with his owner,
Russell. Bailey doesn't know he's a dog, however, and we don't have the heart to tell him.
7. Here is a seventh random thing, just because the first six are so -- boring. I don't own a car or a cell phone. I walk everywhere or I use public transit, and if I need to talk on the phone, I use my land line. I don't feel the need to be in constant contact with people all the time. The other day I was on the bus, and everyone was on the phone. It was surreal to hear everyone on the bus talking on the phone, and no one was talking to each other.
So there you have it. Nothing exciting in my little corner of the world. I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you play along, I would love to read some random things about you.