Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Makes You Scream?

There are times when I think I am a complete total bit of a neurotic. Oh, the people who actually know me are saying, "Um ... ya think?!" But, yes, I will admit there are some things that drive me to the point of almost screaming. Does anyone remember clackers? They were a toy popular during the 1970s, and everywhere you went, kids had them. They consisted of two acrylic balls attached by a string and the object was to move the string until the two acrylic balls clacked together. Anyone who has ever heard the noise they made can certainly remember it.

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack ....

At work we are required to wear our plastic access passes at all times. I have a co-worker who wears her access pass on a lanyard around her neck, and attached to the access pass is the key to her desk. Now, I don't understand the reason for this, because the key to all our desks is the same. My key opens her desk; her key opens my desk; and so on... But in any case, my co-worker has a form of ADHD and she is not able to sit still for any length of time. Do you see where I am going with this?

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack .... all day long.


I have another co-worker who sneezes. Constantly. She doesn't believe in the polite, quiet sneezes that require a Kleenex in front of the face first. She prefers the gut-busting, earth shattering, 5.9 on the Richter scale sneezes. They're always in doubles, and every time she does it, it scares the h*ll out of me.

Another of my co-workers is the sweetest person I know. She's very quiet. Often I will be working at my computer, and I will turn around to find her standing 10 inches away from my face, which of course immediately puts my heart into atrial fibrillation. "I wanted to talk to you, but you were busy, so I didn't want to disturb you."

Now, please don't get me wrong. I love my co-workers. They're wonderful people and on most days we make a great team. And I'm sure if you were to ask them, they would find things about me that makes them want to scream as well. I'm almost sure of it. But there are days when I come home from work a complete wreck.

What makes you want to scream?


Anonymous said...

People who enjoy hurting other people to make themselves feel better about what they have become.

People who brainwash their children to grow up to become homophobics and bigots....because the bible said it was ok to discriminate.

Basically?.....ignorance that causes pain for everyone in the world.

Jo said...

Anonymous, "ignorance that causes pain for everyone in the world." Oh, gosh, yes! That makes me scream too.

A Writer, Of Course said...

Well, the coworker thing, obviously. I have one who sits right behind me and has the most grating, nails-on-chalk voice you'd ever want to hear. So, of course, she's on the phone constantly. Definitely makes me want to SCREAM.

People who do not mind their children in public. I work very hard at making sure my children hav manners. They are not robots, nor are they unnaturally well-behaved. They are just being taught to have manners. So when they do misbehave in public, I call attention to it and correct it. People who don't make me want to SCREAM.

Public policy, anywhere in the world, that is not designed to benefit the public. There is no greater charge in life than to have the power to help or hurt other people. Using your power to hurt, or worse, neglet the people under your care is unconscionable. (Did I spell that right?) It makes me want to SCREAM.

Private said...

I agree with you on every point.

Atkinstein said...

I don't enjoy screaming any more. I found, that over time, the person hurt the most by it, was me and those I love. I try to reserve the feeling for times of emergency, oh yea, and on ocassion, when the urge to express opinion over some of the stupendous ignorance propagated by the total disregard for other humans, overwhelms my inner intelligence.

Hi, my pen name is Atkinstein.
I am the author of Symphony of the Parallels. Please feel free to hit the follow button on our blog, and naturally, we are nore than happy to follow yours. Best Regards.

Blogger said...

Ha! I used to have a coworker that would sneak up behind me and read over my shoulder. I *always* hit the ceiling when he finally let me know he was there, usually with a comment that showed he'd been reading for a while.

Shaista said...

When my family moved to England from India, I was fifteen, and had been writing stories and poems for years. In English. However, being from a so-called Third World country, the Head of English at my new school assumed differently. He handed me a print of a painting and told me to write something, anything, about it. I knew he was going to judge my entire schooling ability based upon this piece of writing. And I also knew from his gleeful expression he thought I would crack under the pressure. The painting was Munch's 'The Scream'.
I danced all the way into the top set of students after that piece of writing, but whenever I see The Scream now, I remember how my future lay in that agonised hollow of a face.

Country Girl said...

I can't imagine your co-workers having any sort of gripes about you whatsoever. Honestly.

And what makes me scream is my husband. 'Nuff said.

Bobbie said...

Hope you have a great weekend, Josie. Hope the fog lifts soon!

Charles Gramlich said...

My coworkers are pretty good, or else the message has gotten across that I don't enjoy being interrupted when I'm working. In the past, though, I've had coworkers who wanted to share way too much with me. When I'm busy, that makes me want to scream.

Ann said...

Well, first I have to say - Yes, I remember 'Clackers'.... I loved those!! To think they outlawed them just because we could get shards of glass in our eyes! Dang government. I used to have this coworker (an old guy) who would sit and suck on his teeth....gross! To this day, if my husband really wants to annoy me, he will do that.... 'course he knows he has a slap coming if he does!

Anonymous said...

You know what makes me scream? People who don't understand that a "phobia" is a fear of something. Just because I don't agree with, or dislike, a certain thing, doesn't make me afraid of it. The phrase "homophobic" is absolutely ridiculous, in my opinion.

Ruth W. said...

Josie, how ironic, I have just blogged about my fellow worker, who seems to absolutely hate me.

How does a person deal with that?

Unknown said...

My husband does this thing with his feet in bed. A kind of digging in place. He does it in his sleep and it just makes me insane. I sometimes give him a little nudge and say stop it!

Peace - Rene

Jan said...

My bosses belief that he understands how I feel about things totall makes me want to scream - he is so wrong nine times out of 10.
The girl in the pod behind me at work who deals with international business and works on the premise -'if they're foreign speak louder and slower' which means no-one else can hear their phone calls.
The use of 'buzz words' in every sentence by sales men.
People assuming that because you're femail you won't understand computer technology - believe me it happens !

Patsy said...

Jo----I gotta say.... your post made me laugh my a-- off. That one about your co-worker waiting behind you silently and then explaining, “I didn't want to bother you” oh Gawd... I do that sometimes! :-) :-) :-)

The sneezing that scares you, that's funny too. I can imagine your body jerking up. :-) :-) :-)


Firefly the Travel Guy said...

You seem to work with a lot of weirdo's. Don't tell anybody, but I do to. And some of them want to make me scream too. And cry... and run away... and want to take somebody by the neck...

Anyway, is it me or are you revisiting some of your older posts. Otherwise I'm having a major bout of DeJa Vu.

Anonymous said...

One of my housemates can drive me absobloodylutely mad without even trying, or meaning to, or even being aware that he's doing it. He's a perfectly nice, well-meaning guy and normally we get on really well, but man I swear somedays I just want to shout at him to stop it, whatever he's doing. But I can't because the things that annoy me are the tiniest, most insignificant things. Like I put the tv on while I'm cooking and he'll come down and turn the volume down without asking. Or he'll insist on telling me how many books he's read recently, as though he's expecting applause or something. And he bought this stupid new bike and has spent WEEKS tinkering around with it and buying special cycling shirts and things as though he's some kind of semi-pro, and it's sitting there taking up most of the living room (he won't keep it outside because the last one got stolen) AND HE HAS NEVER USED IT, NOT ONCE!

ALso, he leaves used teabags in mugs. I mean COME ON!

But because they are such teeny tiny little things I can't ask him to stop doing them or even reveal that they annoy me, which makes me even angrier, as though he's deliberately chosen to be annoying in teeny tiny ways just to annoy me further. And then I feel guilty for being annoyed with him because he's clearly a nice interesting person, doing charity things and trying to talk to me about things, so I shouldn't find him so annoying BUT I DO! and this makes me even more annoyed. GAH!

Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest.

I feel a little bit better about my irrational annoyance with him because the girl that used to live with him told me she felt exactly the same :) so I'm not alone.

Some people you can be great friends with, but you just can't live with them without needing to scream!

Daryl said...

Scream .. like out loud? BUGS.

But internal screaming .. silent internalized .. too many to list ..

meggie said...

Religion makes me want to scream & keep on screaming.

TV Presenters who let the producers, or whoever, dress them in highly inappropriate clothes & hairstyles.

Scoobyloves2004 said...

First I must say, I almost peed my pants laughing so hard at this post. I espically enjoyed the co-worker that sneezes really loud. My husband does the same thing and it usually scares the c*** out of me as well.

What makes me scream....I had to think about that for a minute, which is funny considering any other time I can think of a million things right off. I would have to go with, busting my butt every afternoon to clean up the kitchen and living room. There are usually, on any given day, 300 wooden colored blocks, tinker toys, a play vacuum, and so many others all over my living room floor. I clean them all up and vacuum the floor, only to turn my back for 5 minutes. When I return.....AHHHHH.......they are ALL on the floor again. Why do I even bother. That is what makes me scream!

Russell said...

I have two people who I work around quite a bit. There are two other people who are allegedly my co-workers but they are never around - that is another story (which makes me want to scream, too!) I mean, those two people are NEVER at work!

One co-worker (who does come to work) is very quiet and just a great person to be around. He minds his business and is polite and knows how to visit for a bit but mainly does his work and lets me do mine.

The OTHER co-worker is a Jesus freak. It is Jesus this and Jesus that. He drives me insane - plus he can never sit in his chair for more than 2 minutes without springing out and running out the door (perhaps he hears Jesus calling him?!).

When he is around he is always talking to himself and bothering everyone around him with such critical questions as "Hey, does anyone have a paper clip? You know, one of those jumbo ones? You know what I mean? Hey! Do you hear what I'm asking? Jumbo paper clip? Anybody?....."

Sometimes I do scream! Heh! Other times I ... well, I better not say...!

Leilani Tresise said...

What makes me scream ? TRAFFIC on an island. There is NO WHERE to run !!!

denese said...

My 18 year old son dropping his clothes and wet towels where ever they land, and leaving tooth paste residue on his mirror; my husband letting pans 'soak' overnight, and worrying about cars that drive over a fraction of the corner of our front lawn (we live in Louisiana, our grass grows inches by the micro second); my mother over worrying about the birds in her garden and buying them a feast of seeds a day and even in the summer (they're wild!); my oldest son plotting to buy a car with his grad school money; our dog eating the corners of our window molding and my pantyhose, and that's just for starters!

-- Of course this is all for fun. I don't scream at any of these things. I reserve my screaming for real disasters!

roxanne s. sukhan said...

the latest thing that made me scream? too personal, can't share it. it was a good one though ... i mean from the dramatic POV.

Avril Fleur said...

Lately what makes me want to scream is trying to find a job. I have been unemployed from the auto-sector since April 2008 and I have applied to literally hundreds of jobs. I finally got one paying just above minimum wage. How am I supposed to live on that? Trying to find a job with a decent living wage is what makes me want to scream. I guess I wish I had those annoying coworkers right now.

Britt said...

People who blow things out of proportion and overreact.

This afternoon I went to Costco and was walking behind this woman and her husband who were moving at the pace of a funeral march. I looked away for a second only to realize I had bumped into the heel of her Uggs with my shopping cart.

I immediately said "Oh! I'm so sorry!" And instead of being gracious, she dropped her jaw, widened her eyes, threw down her arms and flexed out her fingers, stomping away and shaking her head. She kept that front up until I was no longer behind her.

I mean, really?

By the way, if anyone's interested in the ethical arguments of political, legal, and personal issues, come see my blog!

Mary Ellen said...

Jo- This post is a riot! I had a co-worker in an office I worked in long ago. She had that same tendency to sneeze so loud that it made the ceiling tiles shake. And, of course, after the first one, she would let out another one just like it. You'd think that after the first one, she would grab a tissue, but noooo!!!! She had to make a scene. She also used to wear white pants in the summer that were thin enough to see through...and she wore black panties to make sure you got a good look...not to mention, the ugliest blond wig you've ever seen would make an appearance on her head every Thursday and Friday. I guess she was too lazy to wash her hair by the end of the week or something.


What drives me crazy are people who write really really long winded comments which are longer than the post they just read. Heh heh heh...(sorry about the long comment, kiddo--I'll try to keep them shorter in the future.) ;-)

Mary Ellen said...

Ooops! I just realized that others may think I was putting them down with the remark I made about the long comments. I was talking about me, not them! Yikes! I was just kidding around, honest...I love everyone else's comments. In fact, they're much better than mine. What I really meant to say was that what really makes me want to scream is people who write long apologies to cover stupid mistakes written on a previous long comment. :-)

Ugh-oh...digging deeper and deeper. Make it stop!

Bye. :-)

Laura Doyle said...

Well, yesterday I blogged about something that makes we want to scream. My "Needed: Emancipation" blog. On a much more shallow level, however, are 85% of Ohio drivers who have forgotten all about turn signals. In my town we have a square, which is basically a roundabout...that's square...and one can realistically sit for over five minutes waiting to merge onto the thing because even though you had several chances to go, by the time you realized someone (who didn't use a turn signal) is turning, it's too late to go. That drives me COMPLETELY up a wall.

SweetPeaSurry said...

I used to play with those clackers when I was a kid, now some of my nieces and nephews have toys that drive me up the wall. I am however, blessed with the patience of Job, so I don't actually crawl up the walls. Good for me!

bright blessings!

Melodieann Whiteley said...

Clackers! I remember those. I love mine - although I'm sure they drove people around me insane. And I can completely relate. My daughter loves Elmo. Even at 27 she still loves Elmo. She had every Elmo doll ever made. And when you have to listen to Elmo sing his ABC's over and over and over again - well, let's just say Elmo had a little "accident" one day.

Stephanie said...

I have an extraordinary ability to somehow attract children. Not the nice, quiet, well-behaved children, oh no, I'm not that lucky. I am constantly surrounded by the screaming, sticky, satanic children who make me consider getting my tubes tied.

And that is what makes me want to scream.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I own a campground and RV park. During the "season" each day brings a new annoyance. We are open 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and I want to scream at least twice a day.......

Anonymous said...

Hi there how are you? I was looking through your blog and found it interesting and wanted to leave you a comment.

I have an invitation for you to come and visit my art blog here in San Diego, and comment if you will.

I think that you may enjoy the various labels and music videos I design for my art blog, hope to see you here soon and take care :)

Kasey S said...

I'm sure I'll offend some of the readers with my comment, because they probably do it; but the "I use a rolling briefcase" person really bugs me. Really, are you that lazy to carry a briefcase? If you have a bad back, sure. But really, is it that tough to either carry it or toss it over your shoulder? And generally, these people are walking next to another person using a rolling briefcase and I have to make a huge loop around to pass them because they're taking their jolly ol' time.

Unless you were instructed by a doctor to not strain yourself, please do not use the rolling briefcase. A bunch of files, maybe a book or two and a computer really isn't that much to carry around.

nomore said...

I'm going to be more a polite "co- worker" from now.....though circular the earth's yet....

AJ said...

I scream when people don't recycle. It's just so easy. And so important. AHHH!

Anonymous said...

What makes me want to scream? I'd have to say I'm a very easy going kind of guy (I fear those that know me might read this and object), but what yanks my chain would have to be talking to someone with headphones on, or those ever noisome blue tooth devices. I just find it incredibly rude to talk to someone who doesn't give you the courtesy of removing them. Where is the decency? Perhaps I'm petting my peeve?

The Pink Cowboy said...

That was a hilarious post,your co-workers are universal archetypes, you find them in every office around the world. PS. I always wanted to have a clacker, my mother told me she would not buy me one because she read somewhere that they were harmful to your eyes. Never understood that one.

the walking man said...

Not much anymore...I am reducing my carbon footprint by getting mellow in my old age.

Wasabi Sandwich said...

I remember the clackers. Getting hit on the hand and wrist with them clackers was painfully annoying. But once you try not to focus too much on the pain - you can get it right. You can also get it right the easy way, like spinning one clacker over to hit the other clacker and so on...

The way Jabba the Hutt eats makes me scream mad!!! Little creatures would be all making noises in his mouth and stuff - damn maaan I hate that...

nap988 said...

Glad to have made your acquaintance from me for the graphic design visited

Ian Buchan said...

Major finacial corporations whose call centre and data operators have not a clue how to reasearch their own databases: the latest was a company sending me confidential personal information by email, when I specifically asked for a fax. You won't believe this, but the statement they sent was for somebody else, with a totally different number! Aaaaaargh!

JR's Thumbprints said...

What makes me want to scream?

Hmmm... How about having a staff meeting where the bosses warn us about the transition to mentally unstable inmates, the medicated ones, the self-mutilators, and after that, they revisit the no-hat policy. "You need to do a better job of making sure the prisoners take their hats off in the building."

My reaction: "You got to be kidding me!"

Laura Jayne said...

When my boss uses the phrase...

"I gotta tell ya."

Which happens at least six times a day. It always means his opinion, way, or solution is right, even when it is ignorant, mean or stupid (which I know is slightly redundant to ignorant, but he is both). That man makes me scream regularly.

Susan English Mason said...

What makes me scream is when I am working on a very important deadline and someone in my office emails the "missing link" to me and doesn't bother to give me a heads up. So I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off when the whole time what I need is sitting in my in box. Heads up people. A heads up would be nice! I'm too busy to be looking in my crummy in box and you are right in the next cubicle.

Anonymous said...

Do you want a unique t-shirt?
Just now a week's offer 1 t-shirt for 80 swed kr where you
designed the back of it! Get a totally unique speciel t -
Maybe you would like your name on it? Smileys? A self-image? Select
completely self!

care020 said...

I agree with Carmen about people who do not "parent" their chilren in public. They act as if they are just hanging out with their wild friends, and there is nothing they can do to influence the child's behavior.

Gossips also make me scream. When you find yourself constantly talking about another persons life, it's a pretty good clue that you don't have one.

I try to remember that the urge to scream can be satisfied by a deep breath, but sometimes...

Andrea said...

There are too many things at work that make me want to scream.....let's just say I can completely identify with all of your comments. We all have "sneezers" - in one form or another - to deal with! And, they can make you want to scream!

Susan English Mason said...

Thanks for visiting, Jo. I had to return for a second rant.

At 9:30 this Sunday morning the phone rang. When I picked up the voice on the other end said, "This is Heather and we're cleaning carpets in your area..." EEEEEK! said...

I have to admit I sneeze A LOT. 3-4times in a row but I have tissues! I think I am allergic to work. LOL My BWS will bless me only so many times, 3 at the most. If I sneeze more than that, she will tell me I have been blessed enough by her. By the way, she has gotten better believe it or not. Tuesday may be another volume. Now I have this thing about when the ladies go into the bathroom in our office... when they leave, they leave the fan running. I guess my ears are sensitive to white noise because this drives me nuts. I usually have to get up & go turn it off. My desk is across the room yet I seem to be the only one who hears it; the only one who is bothered by it. An officer scared me last week & I screamed. I am a screamer. The warden boss told him not to do that again. That was the last time I screamed last week. I don't like being scared either. I could probably think of more... like my husband says the word fifth without the h stressing the t. Bad drivers make me scream in the car.

Anonymous said...

Rude & Thoughtless People
The grocery store was a little more crowded than usual for a Monday afternoon. This, of course, created longer than normal waiting on line. Here is the scene. There was the person at the checkout unloading a large cart full of groceries. Behind her was a very sweet cute little old lady with only a few items in her cart. She obviously had a curvature of the spine as she could not stand up completely straight. She gripped that shopping cart for dear life, as it probably was the only thing separating her from the floor. She did not utter a complaint as she patiently waited her turn. The store, not wanting unhappy customers, opened an additional checkout in the lane next to ours and the clerk announced that the next person in (our) line could move over to the new line. We've all experienced this.....right! Well, the very sweet cute little old lady is the rightful person on line to move over...but wait, wow.....easy there the (nice) guy behind me almost knocks the two of us, me and the sweet cute little old lady into the next isle. This guy was like a mad dog with rabies intent to make sure that no one would beat him to being first in the new line. Magazines were knocked off the racks and M&M's were flying through the air as he with his cart hurdled his way to the new checkout opening up. You would have thought that there was a really good prize waiting in the other line or something. It's hard to get my head around the fact that the "prize" was that he got to checkout 10 minutes ahead of the sweet cute little old lady. Horrified and preoccupied with putting the magazines and M&M's back in their places, I just shrugged my shoulders at the sweet cute little old lady. My story may be a bit embelished, but I know that this has happened to all of us and each time it does I want to "reach out and touch someone".

Anonymous said...

Rude & Thoughtless People
The grocery store was a little more crowded than usual for a Monday afternoon. This, of course, created longer than normal waiting on line. Here is the scene. There was the person at the checkout unloading a large cart full of groceries. Behind her was a very sweet cute little old lady with only a few items in her cart. She obviously had a curvature of the spine as she could not stand up completely straight. She gripped that shopping cart for dear life, as it probably was the only thing separating her from the floor. She did not utter a complaint as she patiently waited her turn. The store, not wanting unhappy customers, opened an additional checkout in the lane next to ours and the clerk announced that the next person in (our) line could move over to the new line. We've all experienced this.....right! Well, the very sweet cute little old lady is the rightful person on line to move over...but wait, wow.....easy there the (nice) guy behind me almost knocks the two of us, me and the sweet cute little old lady into the next isle. This guy was like a mad dog with rabies intent to make sure that no one would beat him to being first in the new line. Magazines were knocked off the racks and M&M's were flying through the air as he with his cart hurdled his way to the new checkout opening up. You would have thought that there was a really good prize waiting in the other line or something. It's hard to get my head around the fact that the "prize" was that he got to checkout 10 minutes ahead of the sweet cute little old lady. Horrified and preoccupied with putting the magazines and M&M's back in their places, I just shrugged my shoulders at the sweet cute little old lady. My story may be a bit embelished, but I know that this has happened to all of us and each time it does I want to "reach out and touch someone".

xy said...

I have no co-workers in the same room and very often there is not that much to do. Then I really long for a clack-clack-clack or for someone sneezing...

Sitting there being bored - that makes me SCREAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL..Wow. I don't have co-worker issues per say. We just have a very, very .. DIFFERENT .. set of people working together. Nearly died reading your story though.

A.M. said...

O my gosh, you had me laughing so hard. Do I happen to be one of those people lol, you should have told me. Anyways, it's funny how you can tell who's coming by their clacking. What makes me scream is the noise high heel shoes make aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

becky aka theRAV said...

jo, I hope you realized Becky was me...

Edward Yablonsky said...

What makes me angry, is more the apt phrase. Thoughtless and insensitive people who parade their insensitivty and ignorance without concern and proudly,without a thought in the world. I have had people for example who put on blinders and assert that most people are good in the face of massive contradictory evidence. They want comfortable assertions and not the naked truth about human nature. I have asked these people "have you studied seriously the historyof the wars and upheavals that keep occuring time and again in our time? They stare blankly and manage to rationalize their way out of what these historical events teach,and teach time and again ad nauseam. That kind of uncritical "pollyanna glow" is the worst kind of negative thinking.