J.W. Godward
One of our co-workers gave birth to a baby girl today, and we are all very happy for her and her family. There is nothing more exciting than a new life, is there? At the same time, another of our co-workers is in the final stages of a disease she has been battling for several years.
The circle of life...
These two women never knew each other; they had never met, and yet they shared the same work space, but at different times. It occurred to me today how much our lives intertwine. We are like bubbles that bounce up against each other and then drift away, only to bounce up against other bubbles -- sort of like the theory of Six Degrees of Separation. One of my co-workers is friends with Billy Gardell, the fellow in the new sit-com "Mike and Molly". That would make me separated by two degrees from "Mike and Molly". It's strange when you think about that, isn't it?
There is a definite rhythm -- a music -- to the circle of life, and it's quite beautiful.
We have all read Linda Ellis's poem, "The Dash". There is so much in that dash. I hope the new baby born today will have a long and happy "dash", as a new circle of life begins.
It's always especially poignant when one life ends as another begins.
Somehow, the thought of a new baby, anybody's, fills us all with hope that this time, everything will go exactly right. Babies are magical and remind us that life is magical, too.
Sorry, haven't been around much.
Life is magical, just like heartinsanfrancisco said. And babies just remind us of that every day. As for 6 degrees of seperation, the world is a very small place indeed.
I hope you don't think ill of me if I stay outside the circle for awhile longer.
As has been said..."A baby is God's way of saying the world should go on."
I have been so thrilled with my new grandniece so I can feel the sense of renewal that comes with new life. And the circle of life becomes very noticeable as I move toward the place where the circle joins together.
If you believe, as I do, we are all intertwined by more than that. There is the spiritual connection of our origins as spiritual beings. And the Quantum Entanglement of our physical beings. I prefer mystical to magical. But that's just me. Congrats to your friend.
Nothing like a new baby to bring out our most tender feelings. Holding that sweet weight against you makes you stop and realize what life is all about .........
I try not to think of the Circle of Life too much. I suppose never having had children and loosing a husband at 43, it's not a happy thiing though it certainly is true. Energy exists and when it leaves it has to appear again in another form.
It is indeed amazing how much our lives intersect, isn't it? I don't think it's odd thing to think about.
What's that line from the movie contact? Searching for patterns in the chaos. We do that, and I think they are there.
By the way, my husband I were married by a very nice man well into his retirement. Reverend Stark, if you can believe that name. He looked a bit like Gonzo the muppet, only not blue (thankfully).
One of things I remember best about him is that he tired to get us to come to church -- we're not church goers -- and told us the title of his sermon, "What are you doing with your dash?"
He was a very sweet man, in his nineties when I met him (he's gone on to whatever lies next now) and he had an unwavering faith that what we do with our dash matters :-)
Every day, every breath is a gift, one to be cherished.
Very nice upbeat spin on life. Especially thinking of beautiful babies. Gives us something to look forward to--these new lives. One steps out and one steps in. D
So we dance, friend!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I've always believed we are all connected in some way and on some level.
Oh yes I truly believe this - it's what keeps me going! That lovely lovely sense of interbeing. Nothing and no one seems terribly ominous or frightening when you think of all that connection. Connection to the bad makes us more responsible human beings through awareness, and connection to the good makes us fly!!
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