Does anyone else ever feel guilty about relaxing, just kicking back and doing absolutely nothing? At work we are expected to give 110% (is there such a thing as 110%?...) and at home we are expected to do our daily chores. Dust that table, polish that mirror, wash those dishes, vacuum that rug... Why? Are those things more important than we are? It's as if we become servants to our things. If on occasion we relax, rest and rejuvenate, those things will still be there tomorrow, waiting for us. So, today, that's me you see over in the corner, curled up in my big cozy chair, next to the fireplace. Rainy days and Sundays don't get me down... I think they're wonderful.
Have a fabulous day, everyone, and do something relaxing...
It's raining here, too, and I feel the same way. My treat to myself today is to blog and visit. Hi! Hope the rest of your day is as enjoyable as the start.
I just enjoyed a rejuvenating walk amidst falling leaves.
It's pouring here, too, but I went to the weekly farmers' market, which was like a very wet ghost town. I was thanked repeatedly for coming out, but the association which runs the market had taken a poll a month ago, asking who would come if they ran year 'round instead of seasonal, and I said that I would. It was wonderful having fresh croissants and fruit for breakfast.
No. If its enjoyable, do it. It's one of the things we need :) its a vital part of life. As a 17 yr old, I get the chance fairly often ;) I hope that remains into adulthood.
Since I'm retired and don't have to do anything I don't want to do, I am actually doing what you are doing today as a matter of course. However, just now I took a trip to the Mall to get some vitamins and wish I'd stayed at home! It's a ZOO at Bellis Fair! Not a parking place in the entire place, and I can go any day of the week. What was I thinking?? :-) Home now, tucked inside.
I love "nothing" days! Yesterday was our rainy day, and while it wasn't blustery, it was rather chilly. There were a few errands I had to do, but I did the bare minimum and enjoyed a lazy day otherwise. Enjoy your day!
Do? We are supposed to do something?
How well I remember Vancouver rain, but we've also been having intermittent sunshine and showers here today and now that it's dark outside it's pouring down. I spent part of the day in my little kitchen making meatballs and gravy and really enjoyed the showers even though the air is a balmy 23°C. I miss chilly fall weather and falling leaves.
Never feel guilty....it's not that we're doing nothing....we're rejuvenating and that is something!
Totally, totally, totally agree that we do become servants to our things. Good for you for taking a day off and not feeling guilty about it. You've earned it!
Wise you are!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
Every so often I just love to totally disconnect and it is so nice! (Yes, sometimes I feel guilty, but it doesn't last too long.)
Hope you had fun Jo! ;-D
About the only time I don't feel guilty for doing nothing is when I'm sick. It's a terrible thing, this being a slave to the 'I shoulds.' In fact, my to do list has been so long lately that I've left blogging behind for a bit. I've missed it, but something had to give in order to retain my sanity.
Rainy afternoons are the absolute best for curling up with a good book or a charming daydream.
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